3 easy evidence-based note-taking methods for efficient notes

Taking effective notes is a fundamental skill that can significantly enhance your learning experience. Note taking acts as a precursor to success by allowing your learning materials to be condensed into comprehensive resources for exam preparation and by improving your active learning

Why do students struggle with note taking? 

A lot of students struggle with note taking for a couple of reasons. These include: 

  1. The teacher/tutor’s speaking pace - Oftentimes, the speed of lessons surpasses the speed at which the student can take notes. 
  2. Feeling overwhelmed - Due to the amount of content covered, the student may not be able to isolate and focus on the key ideas needed in notes. 
  3. Concentration issues - Students may be tired during lessons and thus may not be actively listening to the information conveyed. 

How to improve your note taking skills 

Research has shown that there are quite a number of methods for effective note taking. In this blog, we will explore the three best evidence-based note-taking methods for students, including the Cornell Method, the Mapping Method and the Outline Method. These methods are not only proven to boost retention and understanding but are also practical and easy to implement.

The Cornell Method

Scientific Evidence:

A study conducted by Kiewra, DuBois, Christian, McShane, and Meyer in 1991 found that the Cornell Method encourages active learning, leading to better understanding and retention of information. The structured format of this method promotes engagement and reinforces concepts through summarisation and self-testing.


The Cornell Method allows students to: 

  • Record important information in a succinct way 
  • Reduce large amounts of content and study materials into comprehensible notes to focus on the key ideas and details
  • Recite and memorise key points in order to easily recall them in examinations 
  • Reflect on lesson materials and complex concepts that may need to be discussed further at school 
  • Review study notes before assessments and exams  


a. Divide Your Paper:

Divide your note paper into three sections: a narrow left column (about 2 inches), a wider right column (6 inches), and a section at the bottom (2 inches).

b. Record Main Ideas:

During the lecture or reading, jot down main ideas and keywords in the right column.

c. Summarize and Test Yourself:

After the session, use the left column to create questions or keywords related to the main ideas. Cover the right column and attempt to answer the questions, actively recalling the information.


The Mapping Method

Scientific Evidence:

A study by Pinto, Tarchi, and Martini in 2016 highlighted the effectiveness of visual note-taking methods, such as concept mapping, in improving learning outcomes. Visual aids help organise information spatially, aiding in comprehension and memory recall.


The Mapping Method allows students to: 

  • Identify relationships between concepts easily 
  • Visually group information together in a comprehensive manner 
  • Edit and update notes with new material that can be added to the graph/mind map
  • Memorise information if you’re a visual learner 

a. Start with a Central Idea:

Place the main concept or topic in the center of your page

b. Branch Out:

Create branches extending from the central idea for subtopics or related concepts.

c. Use Keywords and Images:

Write keywords or short phrases on the branches, accompanied by relevant images or symbols.

d. Connect Ideas:

Draw lines or arrows to connect related ideas, emphasizing relationships between concepts.


The Outline Method: 

Scientific Evidence:

Research by Mueller and Oppenheimer in 2014 compared longhand note-taking with laptop note-taking and found that students who took notes by hand demonstrated better conceptual understanding and long-term retention. The outline method, a form of structured handwriting, promotes organisation and focus.


The Outline Method allows students to: 

  • Record a large amount of information relating to the subject matter 
  • Provide a structure to their learning by categorising information
  • Convert notes and main points into questions for exam reviews 


a. Create Headings and Subheadings:

Use a hierarchical structure with main headings and subheadings to organize information.

b. Indentation for Subordination:

Indent subpoints under main headings to visually represent the hierarchy of information.

c. Abbreviate and Use Bullet Points:

Condense information into brief phrases or bullet points to capture key ideas.


Incorporating evidence-based note-taking methods into your learning routine can significantly improve your comprehension, retention, and recall of information. Whether you prefer the active engagement of the Cornell Method, the visual organization of the Mapping Method, or the structured clarity of the Outline Method, each approach offers a unique advantage. Experiment with these methods to discover which works best for you, and enjoy the benefits of more efficient and effective note-taking!

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